The worst of the pandemic is hopefully behind us. So how do we strengthen our retirement outlook after taking such a huge financial hit? When planning for your retirement, you’ll…
Tag: retirement planning professionals

How to Care for Aging Parents in Retirement.
Sunday is National Parents’ Day, and the well-being of our parents is our ultimate wish as they age. When faced with the task of financial planning for elderly parents, where do…

Did COVID-19 Destroy the FIRE Movement?
F.I.R.E. stands for “Financial Independence, Retire Early.” The goal is to save and invest very aggressively so you can retire sometime in your 30s or 40s. Devotees of the movement…

3 Reasons to Retire as Soon as Possible.
Many folks have a hard time with the concept of retiring early; whether it be because of financial reasons or even guilt. Whether you plan to retire early or not,…

Why Choose CKS Summit Group for Your Financial Planning Needs?
Why should you use a financial advisor at all? Here, CKS Summit Group reveals the top three reasons you should consider turning things over to a professional as you approach…

How Your Demographics Can Affect Your Retirement
Every individual is unique. We all possess different traits and personal history that make us who we are. All of these factors have an affect on our lives, but could…