Al Caicedo
“I am an income planning specialist who works with a select group of pre-retirees and retired individuals who aspire to a work optional lifestyle. So, I have developed and refined a process to put all the pieces of that puzzle together. I call this process S.W.A.N. because I want my clients to Sleep Well At Night. This allows them to face the future with anticipation instead of apprehension.”
Al Caicedo
A Message from Al Caicedo
“I am an income planning specialist who works with a select group of pre-retirees and retired individuals who aspire to a work optional lifestyle. So, I have developed and refined a process to put all the pieces of that puzzle together. I call this process S.W.A.N. because I want my clients to Sleep Well At Night. This allows them to face the future with anticipation instead of apprehension.”
Al Caicedo
Al Caicedo is President and Owner of CKS Summit Group, founded in 1998. Al’s focus and objective is to help ensure his clients are able to enjoy their lifestyle beyond the workplace and into their retirement years. He educates and enables them to come to understand for themselves, the financial path they should follow. He has spent twenty years helping clients protect and preserve their assets. His safe money strategies helped clients save millions of dollars during the latest market collapse.
Al is an asset preservation consultant and transitional planning specialist. The goals and objectives of a transitional client are more geared toward safety and risk elimination, peace of mind, developing income options and tax savings strategies, avoiding probate, and reducing or eliminating the potential for loss to a nursing home.

CKS Summit Group is committed to act in the best personal and financial interest of our clients. An aging America, combined with the precarious state of Medicare and Social Security, have created a need for comprehensive retirement management that goes beyond the ability of general financial counselors.
His practice focuses on addressing the distinctive financial needs of those nearing retirement and those who are already retired. Al is a member of the Presidential Who’s Who and the Million Dollar Round Table.